I felt like this book was disorganized and a little touchy-feely but it still hit some cords. Cords are as follows:

"Brokenness is learned, not innate."
"When you believe in yourself more than you believe in food, you will stop using food as if it were your only change at not falling apart."
"'sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness'"
"Can you imagine how your life would be different if each time you were feeling sad or angry as a kid an adult said to you, 'Come here, sweetheart, tell me all about it.' If when you wre overcome with grief someone said to you, 'Oh darling, tell me more. Tell me where you feel those feelings.'"
"You bring yourself back to your body (an awareness of) about a thousand times a day."
"If love could speak to you about food, it would say, 'Eat when you are hungry, sweetheart, because if you don't, you won't enjoy the taste of food. And why should you do anything you don't enjoy?' If love could speak to you, it would say, 'Eat what your body wants, darling, otherwise you won't feel so well, and why should be walk around feeling tired or depressed from what you put into your mouth?"
"We don't want to eat hot fudge sundaes as much was we want to be hot fudge sundaes."
"During the first few bites, and before we get dazed by overeating, everything we want it possible. Everything we've lost is here now. And so we settle for the concrete version of our lost selves in the form of food. And once food has become synonymous with goodness or love or fulfillment, we cannot help but choose it, no matter how high the stakes are."
"To understand that food is a stand-in for love and possibility and whatever you call true nature or God."
"You are not who you think you are. Hardly anyone is. Because although kids come into this world with an implicit understanding of who they are, they have no self-reflective consciousness. They know who they are but they don't know that they know. And the only way to find out is by seeing themselves in their parents' eyes. We become what our parents saw."
"Guidelines: Eat when you are hungry; eat sitting down in a calm environment; eat without distractions; eat what your body wants; eat until you are satisfied; eat in full view of others; eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure."
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