Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Latest Wish List

What is on our lists these days...
Reid: nine month clothing, a walking aid toy
Lucy: Toms size nine, larger white picture frames for her room gallery wall (cutitoutalready.com), a belt, legos, preschool work book, mini-trampoline (basically if it moves, or makes noise, stacks, or is a cardboard box, she will love it)
Reid and Lucy:  donation to heifer international, children's books: stand back said the elephant I am going to sneeze, me...jane, otis and the tornado, the incredible book eating boy, if all the animals came inside, a sick day for amos mcgee
Mike: Milwaukee Sawzall, Chipotle gift card, comfortable thin dress socks, long garden sheers, loppers, Chick-Fil-A gift card
Jen: horizontal potato peeler, matching (non-tuperware) food canisters (for flour, sugar, etc.), Elan Folio Cabana in teal for iPad, donation to Edna Adan maternity hospital is Somaliland, The Beginning of Better Days
Mike and Jen: matching white plates (without a bowl-like curve to them), money for a trip to Malaysia (can provide account # for our Malaysia savings spot) 

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