Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Letter of the Week Ideas {First Third}

I claim nothing here as being original but I wanted to corral all the ideas we used so that I can revisit them with Reid some day.  Focusing on a letter has ensured proactivity on my part and has been low stress and high impact. {Helpful sites included and and}

A: we made white glitter play dough to talk about Antarctica {other ideas: ant out of egg carton, make snow to paint with that is one part glue to one part shaving cream for Antarctica, taste different apples, apple toss}
B: we painted by blowing paint around with a straw * made butterflies by dying bow tie pasta (1 tbsp vinegar + food coloring) * created a bug sensory box with sand and plastic bugs {other ideas: recycled sail boat with 1/2 egg carton, paper towel roll, tissue paper, hand-print bat, bird feather painting, glue branches and pictures of birds, beach sensory box}
C: we made cookies in the shape of the letter C {other ideas: paper chain caterpillar, cloud dough}
D: we bough dot paint tubes {other ideas: dirt dessert of oreos, pudding, worms, candy rocks, dig for dog bones, dinosaur our of handprint}
E: we made Earth muffins with green food coloring and blueberries {other ideas: eyeball cookies of oreo, chocolate, gummy life savers, chocolate chip?}
F: {other ideas: painters tape flag, finger print fish, shaving cream and paint fireworks}
G: we made granola
I: we made ice cream in bag {other ideas: Ice cream taste test for flavor, Insect safari with three columns - first column a picture of the bug, second the word, and the third column to keep to track of how many found}

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