Thursday, December 12, 2013

November/December Book Review

People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks:  I loved this book.  I found it so interesting and well written.  The writing felt seamless and the story educational and unique.  The story spans generations and populations that in some way touched the Sarajevo Haggadah, one of the oldest Jewish illuminated texts.  The novel was not critically acclaimed but I thought it was genuine and lovely.

My Story by Elizabeth Smart: I should have not read this book.  I look at everyone with suspicion and I check on the kids at least twice as often as I did previously. She is a model of resiliency but I even wonder what that model means to survivors of abuse that don't feel so resilient.  Is it motivating or destroying?

Never Come Back: Mike likes to buy me scary books and they are always fun and always a tiny bit brainless.  But again, a fun way to pass a few dark nights.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette: At first I hated the adolescent voice in this novel, but I grew to adore each of the characters.  It was a quirky fun book that also takes on the heavy battle of authenticity and mental illness without passing judgement or offering solutions.  I enjoyed every page after getting used to a young girls voice.

The Christmas Jars: You know, cheesy, but motivating.

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